Let’s Talk: Ways to Use Dialogue Effectively, Part I
Writing, Craft Jana Van der Veer Writing, Craft Jana Van der Veer

Let’s Talk: Ways to Use Dialogue Effectively, Part I

“What’s up, fam?” 

“How may I serve you, Madam?” 

“Why the hell should I know what that bastard wants?” 

I’ll bet each line of dialogue put a different picture in your mind of a character who might ask the question – what they look like, their age, their overall personality, their mood, their tone... with no other information, we “see” a character very vividly in our heads.  

That is the power of dialogue. 

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How to Spend Less Time Writing (and Why It’s Good for You)
Writing, Motivation Jana Van der Veer Writing, Motivation Jana Van der Veer

How to Spend Less Time Writing (and Why It’s Good for You)

I used to have a sign in my office. It was a photo of a cat lazing on a sunny windowsill, and the caption read, “The fun isn’t in doing nothing. It’s in having lots to do and not doing any of it.”

I admit, I’m certainly contrary that way. I’ll spend time doing anything I’m not supposed to be doing, but when you tell me I have to relax, or laze around in bed – whaddaya know, all I feel like doing is jumping up and getting stuff done.

It’s reverse psychology at its finest. A well-known human paradox that as soon as we have to do something, that’s the very thing we resist doing.

But still, you may be asking, Why would I want to spend LESS time writing?

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4 Steps to Your Perfect Summer Writing Plan
Writing, Productivity Jana Van der Veer Writing, Productivity Jana Van der Veer

4 Steps to Your Perfect Summer Writing Plan

For me, the turning of the season always brings about a desire to set new goals. Those who do a bullet journal are encouraged to think in terms of quarterly goals, and I also find that 3 months is a good amount of time to plan for. It’s not so long that it seems too far in the future, and it’s not so soon that you can’t get some real momentum. 

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Fast or Slow Writing – Which is Better?
Writing Jana Van der Veer Writing Jana Van der Veer

Fast or Slow Writing – Which is Better?

A big debate recently broke out on Threads around this topic. Writers were, unsurprisingly, passionately defensive about their preferred style. The majority seemed to be in the “faster is better” camp, with a good number of other writers wishing they could write faster. Quite a few though, were fans of slow writing, allowing their projects to develop at their own pace.  

Which kind of writer are you? Does it matter?  

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Writing a Novel? Why You’re Not “Just Making Stuff Up”
Writing, Craft Jana Van der Veer Writing, Craft Jana Van der Veer

Writing a Novel? Why You’re Not “Just Making Stuff Up”

I’ve seen a meme going around where someone says they saw a review on Amazon that says, 

“It felt like the writer was just making stuff up as they went along.”  

And then the inevitable “Uh, who’s going to tell them?” Ha, ha.  

And it is funny, because, well, we are making stuff up. That’s what fiction writers, anyway, do.  

But if a reader feels that way after reading your book, you have a problem.  

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14 Great Writers’ Conferences Spring-Summer 2024
Writing, Inspiration Jana Van der Veer Writing, Inspiration Jana Van der Veer

14 Great Writers’ Conferences Spring-Summer 2024

Looking to improve your craft? Learn about publishing? Pitch to agents and editors? Hang out with fellow writers? Get some writing inspiration? Think about attending a writer’s conference.

Conferences exist all over the country (and abroad). Some are smaller, regional conferences. Some are large and draw people from all over the U.S. Some are geared toward specific genres. There’s no one perfect conference; the right one for you at this time depends on a variety of factors:

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Money, Impact, or Expression: What Motivates You to Write?
Writing, Motivation Jana Van der Veer Writing, Motivation Jana Van der Veer

Money, Impact, or Expression: What Motivates You to Write?

Lately I’ve seen so many writers on social media fretting about sales, wondering when they’ll be able to write full time and make a living from it. They may have written one book, or several, but they seem tormented by the fact that they aren’t seeing “success” like they envisioned.

This mostly is true of indie writers, but a fair number of trad-pubbed or wanna-be trad-pubbed writers seem to think that earning a full time living from your writing is a norm, or at least a strong possibliity.

Let’s have a reality check for a moment: earning a living as a full-time writer has always been rare. Even more so if you write fiction (I’m really talking about book writers here, not freelance writers).

That’s not a bad thing, in my view.

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5 Books and TV Shows I’ve Been Loving this Year So Far
Books, Media Jana Van der Veer Books, Media Jana Van der Veer

5 Books and TV Shows I’ve Been Loving this Year So Far

Below is my quarterly roundup of the best of what I’ve been taking in so far this year. I’ve actually read twenty books so far, so this is a very abbreviated list - but a bunch of those are part of a course I’m taking, published by Gemma Media, a nonprofit publisher that focuses on books that help those on the path to English literacy, whether teens, adults, or speakers of English as a second language.

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Stay on the Bus: Patience in the Creative Process
Writing, Creativity, Mindset, Motivation Jana Van der Veer Writing, Creativity, Mindset, Motivation Jana Van der Veer

Stay on the Bus: Patience in the Creative Process

I’ve been reading (and loving) Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. A lot of what he talks about could be applied to the creative life, beginning with the fact that we do, in fact, have about 4,000 weeks total to live our lives. When you put it that way, it doesn’t seem like very many, does it? So the crucial thing is to do what’s most meaningtful to you now. Don’t wait for some mythical time in the future when you will “have enough time” or have your life completely sorted, or know exactly what you want to do.

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Showing Character Emotion: The Secret Weapon to Engage Readers
Writing, Craft, Character Jana Van der Veer Writing, Craft, Character Jana Van der Veer

Showing Character Emotion: The Secret Weapon to Engage Readers

Last week I wrote about 5 Ways to Punch Up Your Prose. Those are things to keep in mind to make your fiction more engaging, like varying sentence structure, using strong verbs, describing with vivid details, and so on. Today I want to focus on something that is a next-level area to keep in mind: showing emotion on the page.  

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5 Ways to Punch Up Your Prose
Writing, Craft Jana Van der Veer Writing, Craft Jana Van der Veer

5 Ways to Punch Up Your Prose

Sometimes it pays to go back to the basics. In today’s post I want to tackle five areas to work on that can really help your writing pop on the page. Whether seasoned or just beginning as a writer, these are things to keep in mind that will take your work from “okay” to “engrossing.”   

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How to Write a Killer Query Letter
Writing, Craft, Publishing Jana Van der Veer Writing, Craft, Publishing Jana Van der Veer

How to Write a Killer Query Letter

Querying a book is both a lot simpler and a lot harder than it may appear. Simple, because there are very specific things you need to include, and there is a very simple outline you can follow to make sure those elements are present. Hard, because holy cow – creating a compelling short synopsis of your book in one or two paragraphs is a major challenge!

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How to Create Compelling Pitches and Loglines
Writing, Craft, Publishing Jana Van der Veer Writing, Craft, Publishing Jana Van der Veer

How to Create Compelling Pitches and Loglines

When a tornado spirits a girl away to a fantastic land, she must retrieve a broom belonging to a wicked witch in order to learn to secret to returning home again.

An archeologist must battle Nazis to retrieve the Ark of the Covenant before Hitler can use it to achieve world domination.

A boy journeys through a strange land in his dreams and learns to befriend the monsters there before he can appreciate his home and family.

Any of those sound familiar? These are all examples of loglines of famous stories.

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