Creating in Difficult Times
The U.S. election is over, and now we have to process all the attendant feelings. I almost didn’t post today, because of an election-season hangover, and feeling like I’m just whispering into the wind. But I committed to at least a monthly post, and I found I did have something to say.

Burned Out? The 4 Burners Theory of Energy
Sometimes I think my favorite hobby is juggling. Not balls or whatever, but Things To Do. I’m always trying to figure out a balance between all the things I need to do, want to do, and should do.
I think it’s fair to say many people these days are doing the same juggling act. How to have enough time and energy to do it all? We’re like hamsters on a wheel, desperately increasing our speed but never seeming to get “there” - to that place where we can, in fact, balance it all gracefully.

25 Artist Date Ideas for the End of Summer
I’ve recently decided to try to do one Artist Date a week for a year. I tend to do Artist Dates in an ad hoc manner, whenever I think of them – which means weeks might pass between them. Or even months. But whenever I’m feeling creatively depleted, I remember that Artist Dates are a terrific way to get back in touch with my creativity and fill my creative well.

Stay on the Bus: Patience in the Creative Process
I’ve been reading (and loving) Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. A lot of what he talks about could be applied to the creative life, beginning with the fact that we do, in fact, have about 4,000 weeks total to live our lives. When you put it that way, it doesn’t seem like very many, does it? So the crucial thing is to do what’s most meaningtful to you now. Don’t wait for some mythical time in the future when you will “have enough time” or have your life completely sorted, or know exactly what you want to do.

Artist Date Ideas for Summer: Exercises and Adventures
Summer is a great time to get in some Artist Dates and do something different. If your Artist Dates, like mine, have veered more toward watching a movie on Netflix than anything really interesting, now’s the time to grab some new ideas.