How to Stay Motivated and Productive Over the Holiday Season
Image by photosforyou from Pixabay
Tree up and decorated?
Presents bought and wrapped?
Cards written and sent?
Holidays menus planned? Baking done?
Figured out the schedule of parties? Other events?
Yeah, me neither.
We’ve entered the season that is, for many people, the busiest time of the year. It can feel overwhelming just thinking about everything we have to do.
What about writing?
It’s very easy to let writing fall to the bottom of the list for me, and it may feel less “immediate” for you too, in the crush of all the stuff that needs to be done now.
How to keep up a writing schedule when it feels like you have to squeeze it in between so many other things on top of what we’re already juggling?
Recognize that your creativity IS getting a workout right now. It takes a lot of creative energy to decorate, write thoughtful cards, plan menus, cook and bake, buy gifts, plan fun stuff for family and friends to do... Two things here: you may feel that your creative energy is expended on holiday goodies and you don’t have a lot left over for writing. And – that might be perfectly fine. Which leads to:
If you feel like you need to take a break, take one. Your writing will be there in January. Don’t feel guilty. The season is stressful and exhausting enough without adding more stress around your writing.
If you do want to keep your hand in writing, that’s great! Maybe you want to scale back a bit. Adjust your schedule – spend a little less time per day, or fewer days per week.
Focus on something less intense – perhaps rereading scenes and making notes for revision, or outlining new ones, or worldbuilding or writing some character background scenes. Or do some agent research with an eye to begin querying in the new year.
You may want to pair up with a writing buddy to keep yourselves accountable to your goals in this season when you’re pulled in a million other directions.
Join the Set Your Muse on Fire writing Zoom! Monday-Friday from 8:00-9:00 am Eastern Time. Get your writing done first thing in the morning and then go about the rest of your day knowing your most important thing is taken care of.
Don’t forget about reading! I love taking time to do some extra reading when I don’t feel like I have the energy for writing. And there’s something to be said for curling up wth a book in a room filled with holidays lights, maybe a scented candle, the snow falling outside, a cup of tea or hot cocoa... bliss.
By the same token, watching movies can also be a way to analyze storytelling and character development. (If you’re a writer, you may find it hard to refrain from analyzing movies as you watch).
Try a few writing exercises, or have fun playing in a different genre. Take this time to relax with your writing, and take it less seriously. If all you have time for is journaling, that’s fine too.
Don’t forget to spend time outside whenever possible! This morning I took an extra-long walk to take advantage of the sun shining before the snowstorm tonight (and days of clouds and rain to follow). In winter weather, it’s easy to spend more time sitting around inside, which can lead to feelings of dullness and lethargy. Wake up your energy with fresh air and exercise.
These are a few ideas to keep your creativity alive in a fun but stressful time of year. What do you do to keep your writing and creative life alive in the holiday season? Let us know in the somments!
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