A Writer’s Thanksgiving
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash
I was going to talk about supporting character archetypes this week, but instead, I’d like to take this opportunity to focus on an appropriate theme: Gratitude.
As writers, it often seems we focus more on the things we don’t have – enough time to write, an agent, a book deal, enough reviews, enough readers, enough money – so it makes sense to reel back a little and think of all the things we love about writing, and the writing life.
I’ll give my list below; I encourage you to think about what you’re grateful for in your writing life too. Maybe write them in your journal, and ponder them this week.
My 2023 Gratitude List
I’m grateful for...
The authors and their books I loved that influenced me as a reader and a writer: Susan Cooper, Dorothy Dunnett... Narnia and Middle Earth... all the history, fantasy, and dreamers of other worlds who drew me in through the magic of words.
The teachers who taught me to write, and helped my creative spirit to flourish – the ones I knew as a child, and the mentors I was lucky enough to find as an adult.
The friends, writing groups, and beta readers who have read my work with care and responded with thoughtful suggestions of how to make it better.
My writing group, clients, and others whose work I have learned from. Reading you all has made me, I hope, a better writer. At least, a more thoughtful one!
All the writers on social media who are out there supporting and promoting other writers! As toxic as social media can be, there is also an amazing sense of community on many platforms (including places like Medium and Substack).
My Zoom writing group – those who show up every day and those who show up once in a while. They keep me getting up to write every morning.
The time and mental space I do have to write – even if it never feels like enough.
My MFA community that I can still stay connected with through residencies and other events
All the indie bookstores I’ve gotten to visit this year – and the new ones I’m going to explore next year.
My writing tools – the special notebooks, the pens, and my laptop. I remember writing using an electric typewriter and white-out (and in England, I had a portable manual typewriter – so heavy!). I give thanks for the ability to write quickly, revise, cut, paste, do research at the click of a button... all the stuff that makes writing so much easier!
What can you do to celebrate a Writer’s Thanksgiving?
Read an old favorite book
Send a note/message to a writer whose work you love, or a teacher who influenced you
Thank your faithful beta readers or other supporters
Thank yourself for showing up and doing the work, even when it’s hard and you don’t do it perfectly
Buy a notebook, a set of pens, a book you’ve had on your wish list... or anything that would support your writing in some way
Write! Give yourself the blessing of time and attention on your work
As we careen toward the end-of-year holidays and all the extra “stuff” that involves, remember to be kind to yourself about your writing, try to stay in touch with your work, and even embrace the time to take a break before you return to it reinvigorated in the New Year.
Most of all, thank YOU, my readers, for being on this journey with me!
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