
Welcome to the very first blog post at the brand-spanking-new website for Set Your Muse on Fire! It’s been a while in coming. So much has happened, personally and in the world, in the past few months, and I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling overwhelmed.  

In such times, I turn to my writing as a major source of support and processing of all the emotions and thoughts swirling through my brain. It might be journaling, or playing with poetry, or just moving forward with a story I’m working on. But some people feel creatively frozen, unable to focus or make meaning from writing. Wherever you sit, there’s no judgement. We all deal with the collective upheavals of our lives differently.

 In the face of a global pandemic, and the reckoning demanded of the shameful past and continuing present of structural racism by the Black Lives Matter movement, I’ve wondered for myself and my business what it all means, why I’m doing it, if it matters. And I’ve come to the conclusion that yes, it matters. It matters because writing is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to claim their voice and tell their story, to ask their questions and seek their answers. It matters to me because my business is about just that: helping people tell their stories. I love working with people who are telling stories from perspectives that haven’t been told before, or who have been marginalized for whatever reason. I find I often learn as much from clients as they do from me, and I’m so grateful for that.

 If you or anyone you know might be interested in exploring writing this summer, check out my courses page. I’m running:

Catch the Spark: Intro to Fiction Writing – with different sections for teens and adults

Re-Ignite Your Writing Life – for more advanced writers needing help getting back into a project, or jump-starting their writing

Fanning the Flames: Using Writing to Launch Your Dreams – a course for those who are ready to imagine new possibilities for their lives and make those dreams a reality

And if you’re working on a book, I’m freshly certified as an Author Accelerator Advanced Fiction Coach! I’m excited to share these methods that have worked so well for thousands of Author Accelerator clients.



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