How to Stay Motivated to Write in the Last Days of Summer

I can’t be the only one whose productivity has plummeted in these final days of August. This week, I thought I’d write a quick post for all of who need a little jump start to stay creative even as the summer runs out.  

First, accept that you might not feel like sitting down to write. It might be hot and humid in your house. You might be on a last-hurrah vacation. You might be scrambling to get the kids ready for the school year. Don’t beat yourself up if your productivity takes a nosedive. The more negativity, the less you’ll feel like writing.  

Set very limited writing time – 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes... anything you can get in counts.  

Go out to write. Don’t stay in your usual spot. I’ve been writing by the pond, at an outdoor café, on the back porch... A change of scenery can jolt your imagination.  

Write early in the morning. Take advantage of these days of early light. I’m into getting right out for a walk, then writing. You can even think about your writing project as you walk.  

Write longhand, in a notebook. Just freewrite. Don’t feel like you have to work on some Big Project right now. Just let the words flow.  

Try writing something just for fun – a poem, a short story in a different genre, an essay or memory. Do a fun writing exercise. Try this site for some fun options, or this writing prompt generator. You never know when inspiration will strike! 

Remember to check out some of these Artist Date Ideas for Summer! Confession: I’ve been away so much this summer I haven’t gotten to any of the ones I intended to do. But that’s okay. I keep a running list of ideas so I never run out.  

If you are trying to finish a big writing project but are running out of steam, plan a nice reward for yourself for finishing. Day trip, nice dinner out, specialty chocolate or other treat, spa day, hiking/biking/kayaking trip? Bookstore visit? Make it something you really want – something big enough to motivate you.   

Read! You can always indulge in your to-be-read pile. Summer is the perfect time to settle down with a good book. As a writer, you can always learn from reading. 

If none of these seem appealing, that’s okay too. Revel in your creative break. Make it a conscious decision to step away from writing for a little while. Replenish your well in other ways. Know that you will come back to it with fresh energy soon.  

What are you doing to stay productive (or not) as we close in on the end of summer? Let us know in the comments!  

If you find this useful, head on over to the Contact Page and sign up to get my weekly email featuring tips on creativity, productivity, and the writer’s craft. 


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