How to Set Yourself Up for Success in Meeting Your 2021 Writing Goals

As the final post of 2020, I’d like to leave you with some questions for reflection as you plan for 2021. 

From last time: 

1.     Have you set your writing goals with intention? Are they specific and measurable? Do they have deadlines or dates attached? Do you have a schedule you think will work for you?

If so, that’s great! But it’s not enough to simply write down your goals. To be the most successful, you have to think about the emotional/psychological components as well. Get in touch with your emotions by answering the following questions:  

2.     What are your hopes & dreams for your writing this year?

3.     What or who will support and guide you?

4.     What are your pains & fears?

5.     What are your barriers & uncertainties?   


Writing the answers to these will help you get in touch with what could motivate you or hold you back. Take some time in your journal this week and dig deep. You can apply these questions not only to writing, but to any area of your life where you want to make consistent efforts toward a goal. You can only coast so far on good intentions for the new year. How will you deal with the inevitable days of low motivation, or setbacks, or rejection? Assume you will have them, and make a plan. Include rewards, treats, and Artist Dates! For example:

“When I don’t feel like writing, I will…”

“When a rejection comes in, I will…”

“When I complete a week of achieving my writing goals, I will…”

It’s important to note that you can always adjust your schedule, your rewards, or your plan later if you need to. This is meant to get you started. You may want to schedule monthly or quarterly check-ins, to see your progress and make new plans as needed. 

Finally, don’t be afraid that all this planning will kill your creativity! Just the opposite. It will give your creativity room to flourish and grow, and save you time and energy trying to muster motivation or figure out a schedule as you go. 

If you feel like sharing any of your responses in the comments, please do so. Good luck to all with your writing goals in 2021!


On Planning, Scheduling, and Not Giving Up


How to Smash Your 2021 Writing Goals - Starting Now