As your writing coach, I can help you, no matter where you are in the book writing process.
“I want to write a book, but I’m having trouble starting.”
No problem! We’ll clarify your idea and create a blueprint for your book so you don’t get bogged down in the middle. Deadlines and accountability will help you form a writing habit that will carry you through to the finish. You’ll learn how to structure your book and create compelling characters that will keep readers hooked until you deliver that all-important satisfying finish. You can do this, and I’ll be there every step of the way with guidance and strategies and lots of cheerleading support.
“I started a book, but I’m stuck in the middle and can’t seem to finish it.”
Maybe you ran out of ideas. Maybe you ran out of time. Maybe you’re a writer who starts their next book before the last one is finished (guilty!). In any case, you’re tired of having a half-finished manuscript sitting around (or more than one). Time to finish what you started! We’ll develop a plan and a strategy so you know exactly what comes next. You’ll get excited about your story again, and I’ll be right there with you, helping you reach the finish line.
“I have a draft, but how do I revise it?”
Hooray! You’ve written a draft. That’s great! Now comes the work to get it ready for publication. Revising is waaaaay more than just switching a few words around and tweaking sentences. We’ll start with a full manuscript audit, so you know the big-picture issues to focus on, like the overall structure, character development arc, and how to meld the two together to make a story readers won’t be able to put down. Then we’ll work together to plan out a strategy for revision that takes your story from good to wow, I didn’t even know that was possible.
Why hire a book coach?
Many professions have coaches or mentors as part of the deal. Baseball players, for example, don’t just arrive at the big leagues out of nowhere, with all the skills to play at the professional level. They’ve had coaching since they were kids – thousands of hours of it – both general and specific to their position. Yet writers still have that “languishing in the garret” mentality, that we should be able to pick it up on our own, that we should be able to always motivate ourselves to do the work, no matter what. That writing is solitary, and involves sweating blood to put every word on the page.
With a book coach you can:
“Jana provides everything from encouragement and strategies during writer's block to thoughtful, constructive feedback for multiple drafts. Her knowledge of the publishing industry and her ongoing, enthusiastic support have been incredibly valuable in this journey.” - Shu-Hsien H.
Feel excited to sit down and write because you have feedback and a roadmap to follow
Take months (or years) off your time to finish a book because you have deadlines and accountability as well as specific strategies to keep you moving forward
Learn the mindset of a successful writer, establish a consistent writing practice, and achieve your goals
Learn how to deal with a writer’s psychology: breaking through blocks, fears, imposter syndrome, and all the other issues a writer faces.
Learn the ins and outs of character development, scene, and story structure, as well as a host of other things that need to be mastered to make your story great
Have guidance on the submission and publishing process and identifying the best path for you and your book.